Article Writing on importance of sports and outdoor games (Class 12 CBSE)

1. Our countries performance in Rio Olympics has shown that we do not give enough importance to athletics and outdoor games. It is time we revised our attitude, sports should be an important part of our school’s daily routine. Write an article in 150 to 200 words in ‘’Importance of outdoor games’’. You are Sreeja/Thomas.

*physical development of the individual
*sportsmanship and team spirit
*medal for our country
*finding out the true potential of that individual
*be more fulfilled in life

By Thomas

The recent Olympics at Rio DeGennaro has shown us that how much our country is behind in terms of sports and athletics. We are a county with population of over 2.3 billion people and we were unable to produce a strong enough player who was capable of scoring a gold medal for our country.
This has happened mainly because we have neglected the physical development our kids straight from their school life and only focused on their studies. Almost every parent in our country believe that good grades are the single most important factor in deciding the success of their child. Almost all of the seem to forget physical health is equally important as their grades, if not more.

Sports and activities not only provide you with great health but some children may also find it as their passion and eventually the can pursue it as their career and bring honour to our country by achieving great achievements.
So we must bring more sports to our current education system to encourage children to be more healthy and also to pursue these sports as their career so the can bring honour the our country.


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