Why you should sketch outdoors if you are an artist?

 Sketching a lot is one of the most important steps you can take to drastically improve your artistic skills, whether it be to understand perspective, shading, anatomy, lighting, posing, composition, or line confidence, sketching a lot every day can help you get better at these aspects. Art is less to do with science and more to do with self expression, and voice, hence there is no point in talking about data's and statistics to prove these claims. The sketch that you draw on your paper can not be given an arbitrary value, because every person experiences beauty differently.

Let me talk about how sketching outdoors in a live location can have a lot of positive effect on you as an artist.

First of all, sketching outside allows you to easily switch between subjects at ease. This can be very useful if you have an art block: sketch for a while, if you dont feel like it, walk a little further and find something else to sketch. Its really fun and helps you explore a lot of different subjects in a single session. Another great thing about sketching outdoors is that, it helps you build your confidence. As an artist, more than anything: your skills, your qualifications, or portfolio, the thing that matters the most is your confidence. Sketching outdoors can be a tad bit intimidating and nerve wrecking in the beginning, especially when a lot of strangers walk past you, or stop to look at your work. it can make you doubt yourself. but do not worry, over time this will help you build lot of confidence in yourself, not just artistically but also as an individual. 

Another great thing about sketching outdoors is that, it helps you build your confidence. As an artist, more than anything: your skills, your qualifications, or portfolio, the thing that matters the most is your confidence. Sketching outdoors can be a tad bit intimidating and nerve wrecking in the beginning, especially when a lot of strangers walk past you, or stop to look at your work. it can make you doubt yourself. but do not worry, over time this will help you build lot of confidence in yourself, not just artistically but also as an individual. 

Sketching outside can also help you relieve a lot of your stress. The key point to have in mind while sketching is: that it doesnt matter if you mess it up, all that matters is that you are trying to draw what you see in front of you, and you are having fun.


  1. Good luck convincing people you're not stalking :)

  2. I have actually tried sketching outside, its pretty relaxing tbh


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