Movies that I grew up with

Spiderman 1 and 2

Saying that this movie has played a huge role in me becoming the person I am today is an understatement. I remember watching these first 2 Sam Raimi Spiderman movies over and over again on repeat, just being mind blown over the awesome visual and incredibly choreographed fight scenes. This movie was the one of the primary reasons why I started drawing a lot and making comics. I would imagine fight scenes between Spiderman and other characters from movies in this list (Hulk, Terminator) and draw comics of them.  Those were the good times. My dad had bought a CD of this movie


This is another super hero movie on this list that I absolutely loved growing up. This was one of those initial movies that created a gray area between good and evil. The unique take on this super hero genre was really refreshing and I truely loved it.

Jurassic Park 

The movie that scared me a lot when I was young, but I absolutely loved it. Although you might not consider Jurassic park as a horror film, some of the scenes in the movie: like the one where T-rex eats the lamp and the the velociraptor kitchen scene were horrifying. This movie got me into sketching animals and creatures, and I was obsessed with dinosaurs for quite some time

Finding Nemo

Bring on the adventure spirit! This was such a thrilling and fun ride, and I enjoyed it thoroughly throughout. It made me want to go on adventures and explore different parts of the world. This movie also showed me how vast the ocean is, and got me introduced to cosmic horror: the fear of the unknown.

Wallace and Gromit

Weirdly enough this  was the movie that got me into animation. I loved the stop motion aesthetic and all the amount of creativity involved. Overall an amazing fun time.


Terminator got me obsessed over cyborgs, and robots like characters. The phase of mine where I drew a lot of cyborgs and humanoid bots.


Creature designs and cosmic horror. What a great Movie this was, I remember I used to rematch this over and over with my dad, and always fascinated by the predators technology to turn invincible and to heat vision. I always wanted a movie where predator and terminator would have to fight, because both the names rhyme and both these movies star Arnold Schwarzenegger.


  1. As far as the mentioned movies were ossum, Nemo always hit me different

  2. Nice one Britto! I still remember you showing us the Spiderman sketches and the comic books way long back😊


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